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Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary is a true spokeswoman of her hometown, born and raised a “Delta Babe”, she became known as “The Ultimate Insider” and, specifically, “The Poet Priestess of the Spirit of New Orleans.”

Born on the bayou and baptized as Mary Millan, Bloody Mary was raised in the Crescent City. Her family roots reach back to 1718 stemming from the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. She is a tenth generation Creole with deep Catholic roots. Mary grew into a sincere and valuable priestess who serves her town primarily as a psychopomp. She is known publicly as Voodoo Queen, celebrity historian, author, psychic medium, and owner/operator of the infamous Bloody Mary’s Tours.

As a true mystic, she combines her abilities as a Shaman, Mambo and Psychic into all aspects of her life. As an artist, she designs her work with an empath’s heart, a historian’s detail and a researcher’s mind. Her mystic abilities have always lent second sight into all of her ventures and continue to aid her impeccable storytelling, ritual execution and, of course, paranormal investigations. These gifts help her to create a full, well-rounded research technique that she shares with her guests for twenty-two years. Her psychic knowledge works in tandem with avid research, creating a unique and holistic approach to understanding her home town of New Orleans and the unseen worlds in which we live.

Bloody Mary’s new book Hauntings, Horrors and Dancing with the Dead, published by Weiser books, has met with rave reviews and her secret Psychopomp and spirit guide side is now shared with the world. Bloody Mary’s book itself is reported to be haunted and was released to the public March 2016.

“We all have the potential to see with more than our eyes, hear with more than our ears, and part of my destiny is to help others to realize that potential. Everything can be an adventure of spirit and experience. There is no better place to discover spirits than right here in New Orleans where I, indeed, am your spirit guide.”  – Bloody Mary 

Bloody Mary grew up a natural psychic and always had prophetic dreams and visions. “I spoke with the spirits and danced with them since childhood”, according the Queen. Her family taught her to pay respect to, and be comfortable with the dead. The cemeteries were her playground and the spirits her playmates. These supernatural  experiences spawned an unquenchable curiosity.

The river called to Mary her whole life, and those waters twice saved her life. These two near death experiences acted as shamanic crises that jump-started it all or, perhaps, it was simply birthright. Who knows? 

Swamp Magic is New Orleans, the Mississippi river is our mother and I serve foremost, as her Avatar, her voice.”

Bloody Mary has served the river her whole life, but became Mamaissa, River priestess of Mami Wata, Maman You, in 1996 and she hails Queen Rose as predecessor for that tradition. In 1999 she was given her Native American name and studied with several shamans of both Lakota and Houma tribes. She has been a New Orleans Voodoo priestess for twenty years and a practitioner/student for over thirty-five. When Voodoo Queen Margret was readying to leave this world it was arranged for her to pass title of New Orleans Voodoo Queen to Bloody Mary, and she has held her Asson since 2004. Mary initiated as Mambo Asogwe at the request of Ogoun in 2005 in La Source Ancienne Ounfo under Mambo Sallie Ann and grandfather Hougan Edgar in Haitian Vodou. She also holds title of Knight-priest in Qi-Gong Kuji En, an ancient Tibetan and Buddhist healing tradition and is a licensed hypnotherapist since 2006.

Bloody Mary is not a witch, but will admit that by birthright she is a swamp witch. In Louisiana this type of natural healer is known as a Traiteur. She had hoodoo roots passed down through apprenticeships with many worthy teachers, namely: Madame Cocoa, Voodoo Charley and High Priestess Terri. There was spiritual inheritance and direct transfer from decades of study with the mysteries and spirits themselves. She shares this knowledge professionally in lectures, workshops, tours and seminars for over twenty years and will do so for many years to come, in this dimension.

As Voodoo Queen, Bloody Mary runs her own New Orleans Voodoo family tradition temple, L’esprit de Verite, through which she works side-by-side with her spirit guide Marie Laveau. She presides over voodoo rituals, weddings, readings, cleansings, exorcisms, ghost hunts and her world famous tours and workshops.

Bloody Mary is a gifted intuitive medium. She is also a revered folk historian, paranormal photographer, acclaimed storyteller, and an internationally renowned documentarian, appearing in hundreds of television shows about NOLA. Bloody Mary opened America’s first Ghost photo gallery in 1999 and has taught paranormal communication techniques for over twenty years. She tours the country as an inspirational speaker about her Voodoo paranormal technique and ancestral wisdom and shares afterlife and interlife revelations. She is a strong advocate for spirit rights and is an industry leader in her field teaching connection and protection methods involved in spirit communication. 

She lives in the Mid-city neighborhood, near the cemetery district, where she tours the hearts and souls of New Orleans. She lives with her husband, Matthew, her son, Jagger, two black cats, one black dog, a blind dog, two snakes and a house full of ghosts. 

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Member of                                         
Southern Order of Storytellers          
Louisiana Folklore Society           
C.G. Jung Society                   
Friends of New Orleans Cemeteries       
New Orleans Convention Visitors Bureau      

American Board of Hypnotherapy                      

NAPW - National Association Professional Women      


Published in   

2005 Editors Choice Published Pen 

Louisiana Hauntspatality (photographer)

Friends of New Orleans Cemetery News 

Encyclopedia of Haunted Places 

International Library of Poetry 

Times Picayune



Manbo Asogwe (priest) of La Source Ancienne Oumfor en La Nouvelle Orleans

Queen Bishop of Les Salon L'Esprit de Verite        

Knight Priest of the Mystic Knighthood of the Crowned Heart

Twinned Celtic Priestess of Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion

Reverend Mother of the Universal Church I AM


Book a Museum Tour HERE


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