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Momma Starr's Biography for the Folk Magic Festival

Momma Starr

starrI am a 62 year old Conjure Woman born in Kentucky.  I've been a conjure woman all my life.  I learned how to do this work from my momma and grandmomma who learned from their elders. 

Conjure or what people now call Hoodoo has always been around.  In my family we didn't call it Hoodoo.  We simply knew this to be "Conjure" or "work."

I've been a Conjure woman for over 40 years.  I first learned how to read playing cards at 16 and by the time I was 17 I was already doing spiritual cleansings or what some call uncrossing work.  I also did healing work at this time.  By the time I turned 25 I was doing work for the family but at that moment I knew it was time to start helping others.  At that point I did Conjure work full time for folks that were referred to me by my relatives or by others who knew me.  I always worked only by word of mouth until three years ago when it was time to share my gift of Conjure work on the Internet.

Being a conjure doctor I was taught hands on spiritual work by my elders and all the wonderful folks who came into my life.  I continue these hands on teachings through the hoodoo mini courses I offer with my students as a way of giving back to all those shared this knowledge with me.

I hope this small introduction will shed some light on who I am.  I am a traditional Old Style Conjure woman who works with herbs, roots, and the Spirits to help you MASTER your troubles and come out VICTORIOUS!!!  This is my goal as a Conjure woman, two headed root doctor, and spiritual advisor!!! 

I offer consultations if you are seeking help from a caring and compassionate spiritual worker.  I also offer candle burning services if you need to set a vigil light on your troubles and concerns.

Here at my little shop you'll find these services as well as Old Style Conjure oils, conjure hands (mojo bags), Hoodoo prayer kits, Conjure bottles, and Conjure dollies to give you power and domination.  All of my products are blessed and prayed over by me so that you will have the upper hand in all situations and be the leader that God wants you to be.

This is only a small list of what I offer.  If you are looking for something that you can't find at my shop please contact me and I'll take care of your needs.  I am not limited in the work I do or what I make.  Remember the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.

I hope you've gotten to know me a little better and who I am. As an Old Style Conjure woman I am dedicated to providing you the best of what I got through the products I sell and services I provide for your benefit.  All the forty years of work that I earned as a conjure woman shows in my line of products because my goal in Conjure is to help each and every one of you find your POWER and take it!!!


conjure crossroads on blogtalk
