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2017 Schedule

Folk Magic Festival Schedule

Sunday, November 5th

5:00-8:00PM – Folk Magic Festival Meet & Greet with the Conjure Crossroads family

The Loa bar, which honors the divine spirits of the Voudou faith, begins the 2017 folk magic festival as the perfect location for our Meet and Greet on Sunday, November 5th at 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm. The lush room sparkles with style, gracious service and a full measure of the conviviality for which New Orleans is known. This is your opportunity to visit with each of our speakers, learn about their tradition, get to know your fellow attendees and imbibe in delicious appetizers and libations. This gathering includes 2 free specialty cocktail vouchers as well an assortment of delicious appetizers.

Monday, November 6th

10:00am-12:00pm – Charms of Enchantment: The Ancient Tradition of Rhymed Incantations, Prayers and Callings with Orion Foxwood

One of the most enduring and archetypal images related to the witch is that of charmer, enchanter, spell-caster and one who utters the magical breath.
This role is also alive in folkloric traditions in America in the Ozarks, Appalachia and to a lesser degree Conjure. In Conjure the breath spoken into word by God written in the Bible is then spoken by the worker to carry that power to their work. For the witch, “for the spell to work every time, best the spell be spake in rhyme. The concept of breath and words of power is a shared heritage, a crossroads where roads of magic meet. In this workshop, Orion will share lore on breath as the horse of heaven, the mover of space, and the first force of creation and even as the essence of God through lore, practical wisdom, ancient charms and incantations and the power of “praying true”. True charmers are rare these days especially one who has been taught by the Elders since he was 5 years old  and lives the practice after 45 years of being shaped by it.
We think you’ll be, well, enchanted.
Specific teaching will include:
  • The concept of funneling power.
  • The idea that “if you are a true charmer, not even God can resist”.
  • A charm as a carrier and home for a spirit and its power.
  • Two simple and traditional formulas for writing a charm of enchantment.
  • The meaning of “Bible-speak” and its use in Appalachian Spirit Doctoring.
  • Quaking and rocking to loosen the spirit and ride the charm.
  • The power of the charm that just arrives on your tongue.
  • A few ancient charms to access to “Tap the Ancient Current” 

Lou Florez, Hoodoo, Southern Conjure and Folk Magic12:30-2:00pm - Orisha of the Graveyard with Lou Florez, Awo Ifadunsin Sangobiyi

Orisha traditions world-wide hold great honor and respect for the beloved dead and ancestors. Join Lou Florez, Awo Ifadunsin Sangobiyi for a hands on workshop honoring the divinities of the graveyard. While many people have heard of Oya, the Mother of the Dead and ruler of the cemetery, there are a number of other Orisha who assist her during this process. Along with Oya, we will explore the mysteries of Yewa, who washes the bodies before burial, and Babaluayie, who decomposes the physical bodies of our beloved dead in the Earth. As part of this workshop we will construct and consecrate charm bags inspired by these traditions and meant to align ourselves with these divinities and our ancestors, as well as, help to keep death and disease from taking us before our time.

2:00-3:30pm – Lunch

4:00-5:30pm – Sending Spirit Out: A Special Workshop with Starr Casas and Hoodoo Sen Moise

In the work that we do a strong emphasis is placed on the relationship we have with our spirits and the two-way contract we have with them.  In this workshop we are gonna go over how to work that spirit relationship to aid in our work.  Just as we work for our spirits, our spirits work with us!  In this class, some of the things you will learn:
  • Calling on your spirits to go forth and do the work needed.
  • The increased potency of the two-way contract you have with your spirits.
  • The power of the spirit to create change in an environment where work is in place.
  • The conjuration of power to do the job!

Folk Magic Festival, Susan Diamond6:00-7:30pm –Live-Ghosting: The Lost Art Haunting While You're Alive with Susan Diamond

This is an ancient and lesser known magical practice also referred to as “spectral” work. It is mostly engaged when someone is in need of desperate help and/or through the desire to push into a loved one’s awareness. Most, if not all, tribal societies in America and nearly every country or continent in the world tell of the “living ghost” intentionally set forth to warn, comfort, instruct or terrify the person who is the object of their “spirit-walk”. This practice was often attributed to witches, shamans, sorcerers etc.

In this workshop, Susan will teach:

  • The concept of Live-Ghosting and its uses, applications, and limitations.
  • Herb, stone, animal, and other allies that will protect or assist during ghosting.
  • The incident of meeting an ancestral ghost while live-ghosting.
  • Techniques for shifting.
  • How this practice can increase magical effectiveness.
  • Spying or other information gathering uses.
  • Live-ghosting to ancient sites or to the ancestral realms to gain knowledge.


Tuesday, November 7th

Folk Magic Festival Momma Starr, Money Work10:00am-11:30am –  Money Work in Conjure: Prosperous Wisdom and Ways that Work with Momma Starr

In a lot of ways, money is a driving factor in the world goin’ round.  We need money to help met our basic needs.  Whether we like it or not, money is necessary!  Join Starr Casas as we dive into the principles of conjuring money, financial opportunity and walking the road of the money that folds!  In this powerful workshop we will go over things like:
  • How to make a money can to keep that cash flowing!
  • Calling in the spirit of money
  • Petitioning the Ancestors to go to bat against money problems
  • Money on the floor, money in the door!  Setting the stage for money to continually come in.
  • Money baths and washing that dollar into your skin! - Money conjure hands that draw in the cash!
Let’s face it, we all need money.  Time to get results!  The spirit of prosperity and money can be potent allies in making our lives better so come and get those spirits on ya!

12:00-1:30pm – Bound on Earth and Loosed in Heaven: The Potent Power of Binding and Severing with Sindy Todo

If you want to learn how to use binding magic to tie the loose ends of your relationships, Auntie Sindy has a load of knowledge to teach in this class.
Learn how to get a clear connection on reconciliation work and how to maintain the work. This will cover binding, new relationships, ending relationships and maintaining the current relationship. You will also learn techniques to get a firm hand on binding short term and long term relationships be it a lover, family or job related.
This class will be filled with useful information that can be taken into real-life and put to work.

2:00-3:30pm – Lunch

4:00-5:30pm – The Guardian of the Gate: Blocking Intrusions and Insidious Influences with Susan Diamond

Let’s face it, in modern society, we may live in settings that are pretty safely distanced from life-threatening predatory animals. However, the safety of our homes cannot distance us from invisible forces that are parasitic, predatory, tormented and tormenting, or commanded to intrude or attack its host. Also, we must consider the lesser known naturally gifted witch that does not know of their talent and yet calls or attracts such spirits that follow the course of their anger, envy or hurt to the unaware target. There are human ghosts that attack or invade unwary living hosts and cause serious and even life-threatening conditions. And yet, not all subtle intruders are spirits, they can be the power of a throw or spell or the leftover imprint of an area where trauma, wicked magic have been. In this powerhouse of a workshop, Susan will share:
  • Types, symptoms and danger related to intrusions.
  • Ways to build an energetic immune system against energetic and spiritual parasites and predators.
  • Places or persons who may be high risk sources for these.
  • How to discuss the presence of these with a client or loved one who may be infected.
  • Assessing the difference between an intrusion and an illusion,
  • Engaging plant, animal, stone and spirit Allies in guardianship.
  • Foods that build a strong auric field that can repel.

6:00-7:30pm – Haitian Vodou 101:  The Awe and Power of the Lwa with Hoodoo Sen Moise

Vodou is an ancestral based tradition that is steeped in great reverence and great power.  It is a tradition that was born out of the will to overcome, a steadfast loyalty to the ancestors and the knowledge that circumstances could be changed.  The power of Vodou is one that drips with magic, burns with spiritual authority and facilitates change in our lives to usher in the blessings of Bondye (God). Who are the Lwa?  What do they do in our lives?  What is the power that is steeped in practice of Vodou?  In this class, you will learn many powerful principles of Vodou and how the culture of the Spirit can be tapped into to create changes in your life.
A few topics that will be covered are:
  • A general knowledge of Haitian Vodou and what it is
  • The Lwa, who they are and how they work
  • Basic service in the Vodou context (a general ceremony/Vodou party)
  • The Vodou Packet:  Potent magic to change conditions, bring potency and shake the spirit
This class will be a conduit of change in your life, added potency to your work and enrichment that not only feeds the soul but gives fire to the spirit!
Join Hoodoo Sen Moise (also known as Hougan Sen Moise) as he goes over the basic principles of the Lwa and Haitian Vodou.  Hoodoo Sen Moise is an Hougan Asogwe (High Priest) in Haitian Vodou, Conjure man and Padre Nganga in Palo Mayombe.

9:00 - 11:00pm – An Evening at Bloody Mary's Museum - 

Partake in a ceremonial naming the dead as We do a Voodoo blessing and strengthen our allies on the other side .
Wander throughout the building and encounter our voodoo family of mediums and spirit guides, see interactive displays and explore many methods of spirit communication. 
Maybe do automatic writing and connect old school in the seance parlor, perhaps check out modern equipment to connect with the spirit world in ITC communication in the upper chambers or just sit at the altars to ponder the otherside. Watch your brethren as they wander and interact on the observation screens and many other surprises.

 Book online now!

Wednesday, November 8th

10:00am-11:30am – The River of Blood: Healing and Redeeming Ancestral Wounds and Inter-Generational Curses with Orion Foxwood

Most workshops on the Ancestors speak of their power, how to call on their help and how to honor them. Few speak about how to heal, resolve their wounds living inside us, or remove curses that came through them into our blood. Yet, many of the chronic problems that visit us, got rooted in the ancestral past and transmitted through the blood not by intent, but by heritage for we arrive on earth from their stream. As inheritors of their power, we are also inheritors of their pain too and it can- and indeed should be healed for them, us, our children and their children into the great future. The old Witches and Faery Seers know this as “the River of Blood”. Join with Orion as he shares rare teachings and often guarded wisdom including:
  • The bank of sorrow, the bank of song and the waters of redemption and their power and the concept of “clearing virtue”.
  • The sacred implications of the underworld as the under-current and underbelly of life and the realm of Ancestors (human and other).
  • Assessing a condition as an ancestral wound, not a crossed condition.
  • The two sides of ancestral prayer work for healing and power.
  • The deeper meaning of the sins our mothers and fathers visiting us.
  • Honor by helping and healing not by asking and taking.
  • Detangling paradox as a ways to unleash ancestral power.
  • Haunted, Sorrowful, Redeemed, Blessed, and Exalted Ancestors.
  • A direct encounter with the River and its healing power today.
This workshop will leave you changed forever and filled with a healing power for you, your ancestral and living family, and your clients.

12:00-1:30pm – Midwifing Death:  Honoring the Spirit of Death and Helping the Dying with Sindy Todo

Folk Magic Festival, Sindy TodoAuntie Sindy brings her humble experiences of dealing with death and the dying in this informative class. Guiding the newly departed to the other side through prayers for them to lead them on the way, petitioning Archangel Azriel, the angel of death to help with their transition and other techniques she has employed over the years. The making of mourning jewelry for those left behind and the history of ancestral connection will also be discussed. 
This is a class all about how to cultivate a stronger relationship with your dead. If you are seeking some serious connection to your ancestors, then this will be an edge of your seat class to attend!

2:00-3:30pm – Lunch

4:00-5:30pm – Prayer Crafting: Devotional Practices and the Magic of Spiritual Allyship with Lou Florez

How do we create power-filled, poignant prayer which supports and manifests our desires? How do we ensure that we are heard and our petitions answered? Prayer as a conjure discipline is often ignored or misunderstood, but when employed efficaciously it can provide life-changing and rapid results. In this workshop, we will explore prayer and devotional practices from an indigenous, Earth-based perspective, which is inspired by Lou’s studies in Orisha traditions of the New World and Africa. As part of this seminar we will craft our own personal set of prayer beads which can be dedicated to your spiritual guides, ancestors, and divinities.  Please consider bringing items associated with your Spirits which can be strung and added to these beautiful, handcrafted tools of devotion, healing, meditation, and upliftment.

6:00-7:30pm – Panel Discussion

 Register for the 2015 Folk Magic Festical


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